Seminar for the Third Sector, a Career in the Judiciary – Could you become a tribunal judge?

A judicial careers evening designed for lawyers working in the third sector will take place on Monday 13 June 2022 at 16:30-17:45pm via MS Teams

The Judicial Office and the Judicial Appointments Commission invite you to a discussion led by judges about their careers in the First-tier and Upper Tribunals.

The seminar aims to help potential applicants from Law Centres, advice agencies, veterans’ organisations and the third sector be better prepared to make an application and to receive up to date guidance and advice on the JAC’s selection process

This will be an opportunity to hear from judges and the Judicial Appointments Commission.

It will be chaired by Mrs Justice Farbey (President of the Upper Tribunal, Administrative Appeals Chamber) and Judge Kate Markus QC (President of the First-tier Tribunal, Social Entitlement Chamber).

The discussion will not provide coaching on how to approach a JAC selection exercise but will give you some insights about the work of a judge and explain the types of skills and experience you will need to have to become a tribunal judge.  The format of the event is as follows: –

16:30-16:40 – Welcome and introductions – Mrs Justice Farbey

16:40-16:50 – From Legal Officer to Bench – My Story – (Upper Tribunal Judge Stewart Wright, Administrative Appeals Chamber)

16:50-17:00 – From Law Centre to Bench – My Story – (Regional Employment Judge Carol Taylor)

17;00-17:10 – Judicial Appointments Commission

17:10-17:45 – Closing remarks, judicial work shadowing and questions – Judge Kate Markus QC, President of the Social Entitlement Chamber

The discussion will be focussed on providing additional targeted support to those that are eligible for judicial appointments from Law Centres, advice agencies, veterans’ organisations and the third sector – applications to join the discussion will be prioritised for those individuals.

Biographies of speakers

Mrs Justice Farbey is High Court Judge assigned to the Queen’s Bench Division.  She was appointed as the President of the Upper Tribunal Administrative Appeals Chamber in 2019.

UTJ Stewart Wright worked as a welfare rights adviser at Hounslow Law Centre from 1987-1993, he then worked as a barrister before becoming a Legal Officer at Child Poverty Action Group where he worked between 1999-2007.  He was then a FtT judge between 2002-2011 before becoming a judge of Upper Tribunal, where he has worked since 2012.

Judge Carol Taylor is the Regional Employment Judge for London East. After working as a law centre case worker, Carol was admitted as a solicitor in 1985. She was appointed as part-time Chairman of the Industrial Tribunal in 1992 and full-time Chairman/Salaried Employment Judge in April 1993.  Carol was appointed as Regional Employment Judge for the Southampton Region when she took up her appointment in 2011 and transferred to the London East Region in 2012.

Emir Feisal was appointed to the JAC as a lay magistrate member in 2017 and was reappointed in 2020. Emir is a chartered accountant, specialising in transformational change and has been a magistrate since 2005. The majority of his career was spent at The Sunday Times as Associate Managing Editor.  Emir is a board member and Chair of Audit, both at the Serious Fraud Office and the Driver & Vehicle Standards Agency. A member of the Honours Committee, The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Services, and is a trustee of The Henry Smith Charity. He sits on appeals at the Crown Court and was previously a lay member of the Council of the Inns of Court and of the Bar Tribunal Adjudication Service.

Kate Markus QC worked in law centres for 11 years after a short period of practice at the private Bar. During much of that time she was Chair of the Law Centres Federation and was a founding director and Chair of the Public Law Project. She then returned to private practice, specialising in public law and human rights. She was also a fee-paid employment judge. She has been a judge of the Upper Tribunal (Administrative Appeals Chamber) since 2014, authorised to sit as High Court Judge since 2016 and President of the First-tier Tribunal (Social Entitlement Chamber) since 2021.

How to register: 

Please register at the Judicial Careers website (external link, opens in a new tab).

Details of seminar joining instructions will be sent out to you shortly before the seminar.

If you have any queries or require a reasonable adjustment, please email: