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  • 23/12/2021

    Mr Justice Soole appointed Judge in Charge of the Queen’s Bench Civil List

    The President of the Queen’s Bench Division has appointed Mr Justice Soole as Judge in Charge of the Queen’s Bench Civil List. This appointment will commence on 1 January 2022.

  • 22/12/2021

    Message from the President of the Family Division: Guidance on e-bundles

    Please find attached the President of the Family Division’s Guidance on E-Bundles for use in the Family Court and Family Division. This guidance supplements the general guidance on electronic bundles for all courts issued by the Senior Presiding Judge, the President of the Family Division and the Judge-in-charge of Live Services on 29 November 2021. […]

  • 22/12/2021

    Senior Circuit Judge, Designated Civil Judge Appointment: Glen

    The Queen has appointed Philip Glen to be a Senior Circuit Judge, Designated Civil Judge on the advice of the Lord Chancellor, the Right Honourable Dominic Raab MP and the Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, the Right Honourable The Lord Burnett of Maldon. The Lord Chief Justice has deployed him to the South […]

  • 22/12/2021

    Commercial Court introduces new trial listing practice ahead of the publication of the 11th Edition of the Commercial Court Guide

    The Judges in Charge of the Commercial Court and Admiralty Court, Mrs Justice Cockerill and Mr Justice Andrew Baker, have today issued a Practice Note alerting the professions to the new practice which is being introduced in the Commercial and Admiralty courts for the listing of trials. Trial listings will now incorporate reading time, and […]

  • 21/12/2021

    De Filippo (applicant/respondent) v Manetta (respondent/appellant)

    Thursday 16th December 2021 The Husband, (H) appeals the order of HHJ Roberts dated 16 December 2020 sitting as a Circuit Judge in the Family Court at Central London, lifting a stay on the Wife’s divorce petition dated 19 May 2016. Peel J’s order dated 2 February 2021 granted the Husband permission to appeal the decision […]

  • 21/12/2021

    Moore Stephens LLP & ors (respondents) v Parr (appellant)

    Thursday 16th December 2021 The Appellant/Claimant) appeals against an order made by the Employment Appeal Tribunal allowing the appeal by Moore Stephens LLP and remitting the matter to the same ET to determine whether to extend time for presentation of the claim forms. The background is that the Claimant/Appellant was a equity partner of R1, firm […]

  • 21/12/2021

    Mulalley & Co Ltd (defendant/appellant) v Martlet homes Ltd (claimant/respondent)

    Tuesday 14th December 2021 The Defendant appeals against the order made by Pepperall J dated 8/3/21 whereby he struck out para 80 to 83 of the Reply of the Respondent/Claimant but then granted C permission to amend its particulars of claim in response to D’s strike out application. The case concerns the cladding system on high […]

  • 21/12/2021

    KP (India) (appellant) v The Secretary of State for the Home Department (respondent)

    Wednesday 15th December 2021 Second appeal. National of India. Refusal of application of Leave To Remain outside the Rules as a spouse of a settled person which was varied to an application on private and family life grounds under the 10 year route. The application was refused as her partner was not a settled person or […]

  • 21/12/2021

    Stellantis N.V. (claimants/respondent) v NTN Corporation & ors (defendants/appellants)

    Tuesday 14th December 2021 The three Defendants (NTN) seek permission to appeal, with appeal to follow if granted, in respect of two decisions made by the Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT), following the transfer of the claim to the CAT from the Commercial Court. The CAT’s order  set out in paragraph 35 of its 18 June 2021 […]

  • 21/12/2021

    Richards (a child, by his litigation friend) (claimant/respondent) v The Environment Agency & ors (defendant/appellant)

    Tuesday 14th – Wednesday 15th December 2021 The Defendant below seeks to challenge the order of Mr Justice Fordham dated 16 September 2021, by which he allowed the Claimant’s claim for judicial review, made a declaration that the Defendant must implement the advice of Public Health England and ordered costs for the Claimant. Factual Background:  This claim […]